Project Description

Mr. Nikos Logginos after graduating from high school, he enlisted in the National Guard, where he served for 26 months (July 1987 – September 1989). In 1990, he attended the Cyprus Forestry College for one year and subsequently joined the Cyprus Fire Service on December 1, 1990.

As a firefighter, he served at Larnaca District Fire Stations, including Larnaca International Airport Fire Station, Nicosia District Fire Stations and in various departments of Fire Service Headquarters. He served as Head of Store Department, Head of Procurement Department, Head of Garage and Workshops and as a Duty Officer of Nicosia District Fire Stations. He also served as Spokesperson, Commander of the Fire Service School, Assistant District Officer, and later as District Officer in charge of Nicosia District. On June 10, 2020, he assumed the duties of Assistant Director of Support, and from July of the same year, he additionally assumed the duties of Assistant Director of Education as Senior Management. As of January 5, 2023, he took on the responsibilities of Director of Support and Director of Administration (In 2007, he participated as an Operations Officer in the firefighting team dispatched to Greece (Peloponnese) during the catastrophic wildfires and was honored by the President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias, for his contribution).

He holds a university degree in Business Administration � Management from the University of Nicosia and a Master’s degree from the International University of Greece in the field of “Analysis and Management of Man-Made and Natural Disasters” with honors. In 2016-2017, he completed a Master’s Diploma in the School of National Security in Athens in the field of “Strategic Studies and National Security Policy,” also with honors. He is a graduate of the Training and Education School for Officers of the Fire Service Academy of Greece.

Furthermore, he has attended several training programs in Cyprus and abroad (United Kingdom, Netherlands, Spain, Greece) related to incident management, fire investigations (wildland and urban), incident management involving hazardous materials, and has excelled in exams related to “Financial Guidelines and Regulations of Public Service Warehouses.” In addition, he has participated in numerous training courses on various topics and has represented Cyprus Fire Service in seminars and conferences in Cyprus and abroad.